Milky water


I put the sand in yesterday then i put the water in.Right now it is kinda milky should i hook up my filter to clear it up?

salty rick

When I switched to a DSB I ran my canister filter. It cleasred things up in about 24 hours. I still run the canister but I have Phosgard in it to keep the PO4 under control. While I was running it after the switch to the DSB I used a filter media.


get rid of the playsand. its for kids. if you are using water from your tap i suggest you buy distilled water. as far as the sand is concerned buy live or ariganate.

ed r

Assuming the playsand you used is fine grain like the Southdown everyone looks for, it will be great. Aragonite comes in various sizes, some of which are much too large. I used the Aragonite, but was careful to get the fine sugar sized type. Unless you have some urgency to get rid of the milkiness, I would recommend waiting. I did not rinse my sand in order to save as much of the very fine sediments as I could. With the 180 lbs I added, it took 6 days for my tank to clear. I used no filter or skimmer and had three powerheads going. If you rinsed your sand, or added less, it would take less time to clear. If you used a skimmer, it would take less time. If you use a filter it will take less time. However, all of these approaches remove the fine sediments that are the last to settle. If you wait, the water will clear. If you are impatient, run the filter. The small of amount of sediment you will lose is probably unimportant. RO/DI water is the best, for both top-off and new saltwater, if you can get it or a filter to make your own. Good luck with it. It should do fine.