Mimic Tang and Coral Beauty Compatability


New Member
Hey all,
Is a Mimic Tang compatible with a Coral Beauty? We wanted a yellow tang but we don't hear great things about them. ie-ICH and Aggressievess.
Here is my current set up:
55 Gallon
35 lbs LR
CSL 2x65 10,000 Smartlite PC's
2" Carib Sea Special Reef Aragonite
CPR Wet/Dry, CS 90 Overflow, and SR2 Skimmer
Mag 7 return pump
2 Rio 600's (Overflow and Skimmer)
Coral Beauty
3 Green Chromis
2 False Percs
1 Royal Gramma
1 Cleaner Shrimp
5 Bumble Bee Snails
5 Baha Red Legs
Here are my readings-PH 8.2, Salinity 1.22, 0 Nitrites and Ammonia and 20 Nitrates (Probably from the bio bale in the Wet/Dry)
PS. The tank has been up and running since July.
I appreciate anyones thoughts....


I'm not very knowledgeable about the Mimic Tang but I do have both a Coral Beauty and an Atlantic Blue Tang together in a 40 gallon. The first few days were pretty active with the fish constantly challenging each other but never actually hurting the other. The Coral Beauty was once the kind of the tank and I don't think he liked having a new member all that much. It has been about 2 weeks now and the fish have basically established themselves and skirmishes are at a minimum. I think as long as you have a good size tank (i think a 55 is fine), enough live rock with good hiding places and you keep the fish content with a good ongoing diet, you should be fine. I'd say try it. Compatibility is only general and it will differ from each particular fish. Let me know how things work out! Good Luck!