Mimic Tangs?


New Member
I saw a mimic yellow tang in my lfs yesterday. It looked exactly like a normal yellow tang, except it was about 1/4 scale. I was wondering if anybody knows much about these little guys...how many types of tangs have munchkin relatives...and how hardy they are?


I have a mimic tang. I bought my set-up used and he came with it. I don't know much about other mimic's, but I really enjoy mine. He is grey/blue about 6-7 inch long. he is the boss of the tank, hangs with a Naso tang. His color changes to match his back ground. I had to put him in the sicky tank and had a teal towel in front of it on the floor. He took on a teal color. Their was nothing else in the tank except 1 piece of lr. I think he was mimic the color of the towel, Really cool.
Shel :D


A mimic tang is not a tang at all. It is a type of dwarf angel. They are reef safe and pretty hearty.