mimzy, awnsering question


Active Member
pk to awnser ur question from the thread u made that was closed, im only a volunteer, im only 17 too lol, but tell ur husband's friend to see if his town has a volunteer fire department, my town is warren in somerset county, im getting my cert next spring and when im 18 i can fight fires=)


Active Member
LoL, funny how we're in the "off topic" forum of the boards but we still get shut down for going ...off topic.

Anyhow, yah, our friend started out as a volunteer EMT, worked his way thru rescue training, fire training...and all sorts of stuff I have no idea about. He's now a paid EMT in Patterson and recently got it into his head that he'd like to be a (paid) fireman (he's 22). But he only wants to work in NYC, of course.

Kudos to you for volunteering! :cheer:


Active Member
i was wondering y they closed it lol, yea however we hardly get ne calls the last time we had a good one was last year where sum 1-2million dollar house went up in flames during construction=(, but that was the first on in 2 yrs(not saing i want ne1's house to go up in flames=P) most of the time they are false


Active Member
the funny thing is now the state troopers wont let use close the highway down on a medevac call where a helicopter has to come because the state loses money, goes to show you how much nj cares for their people=( and they only allow use to close one lane down, so our chief told us to leave with everything if we cant close more than 1 lanes because we feel that firefighters lives are a risk.