min tank size for a picasso trigger?


I was on ***********.com reading the specifics they list for a huma huma/picasso trigger, and they say 70 gallons. Is this true?


I've actually got a 65, and it's the only trigger in the tank. Does 5 gallons make a huge difference? I've got a sump & fuge attached to it, and am thinking about making the sump bigger to allow for more water volume (since I'm not currently in the position to buy a new tank)
Will he be okay long term in this size tank? I've got 3 small fish in there with him (2 damsels less about 1" each, and a green chromis), and a Juvi Koran Angel - which long term I NOW understand should be in a larger tank (I know, I know - I should have done better research before taking him in!).

shark bait

65 will be fine while he is small but the Blue damns need to go. The like room and are prone to getting their a$$es kicked by a huma. You want the tank to be a calm as you can. The damns will not allow that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dougai
i must have a little girl damsel because mine just stays out of everyones way in my 40
They get more aggressive as they get older. Mean little tail biters. Ha!