min tank size for smallest ray


im seting up a large tank around this time next year (180+) and was wondering wat the smallest size ray is and how big of a tank they need gallons or footprint and if its reef safe

tanks alot

i got a baby cortez stingray it was about 6inches at the time and could get i belive 12inc round but he killed him self


Active Member
The minimum tank size for a ray is 180, but most (if not all) will require at least a 300 to live comfortably.
If you really want a ray, I would just go with the large tank to begin with.


I have 2 rays. I have a california ray and a yellow spotted ray. I believe the smallest you can get is the cortez ray, similar to the california ray except found in warmer waters.The 180 gallon will be fine to house this ray for its lif span.MOst people will tell you 300+ but from my experience a 125 long is plent of space for these little guys. Most important is that you leave the tank open with just sand, if you have rock keep it small and in the corners. Good Luck! You will really love having one there great!


Make sure to get a really fine substrate, too. Rays have very delicate undersides and coarse substrates can cause lacerations/infections.