mini anemone


New Member
The other day, I noticed this little anemone type creature(about only an inch tall) growing out of this one section of my live rock. It is reddish purple in color. I am wondering if this creature is good or bad?


New Member
What would be the best way to remove this thing. Everytime I go in there and try to remove it, it retreats back into a section of the live rock.


Active Member
The best way to get rid of them is to get a peppermint shrimp. He'll eat it.
Cutting it won't do it. These guys are like weeds. Cutting it will actually help them spread faster.
I have fought these guys off and on since I set up my tank. The peppermints tend to leave one around, I guess to keep them for food. This doesn't bother me much as one isn't a nuisance but my last pep died and they are back in quantity. I also am slowly adding rock to my tank and one of my LFS has some nice rock but all of it is infested with these guys. :mad:
Anyway the peps are pretty cheap, stay out of the way and do a good job.
Another way is to take a syringe and inject the beast with Kalkwasser. This usually does the job as well, and can offer some satisfaction if you really hate these guys.