The wife rasises them on occasion. We just had a litter 4 weeks ago, of 6...4 females 2 males, 5 long haired and one shorthair.......Daddy is a shorthaired Isabella Creame(blue merle) and momma is a tri color chestnut/sable/black long hair. AFAIK all pups are spoken for already. Daddy is kind of unique in his color (looks the color of a weimeriener with hazle green eyes) The color ISabella creame (some call it Isabella Fawn) is not too common of a color........Currently we have 1 male, and 4 females in the miniature dachshund line, and a finnish spitz and also 2 german shepherds......all of which get along just fine. Miniature Dachshunds make wonderfull companions and are a lot of entertainment. The long haired ones could care less if its cool out, but the shorthaired ones will crawl under a blanket in bed with you in a minute. Shorthaired are also a little more cautious with strangers and a bit standoffish until they get to know you, but the long haired seem to just love everyone that looks at them........