Mini-reef lighting


Staff member
I'm going to move you over to the Nano Forum where we discuss smaller tanks. I think you will get more help there. Also, check out the Equiptment Forum and visit the Reef Forum.
Welcome to the forums! :D


what are you planning on keeping? softies, lps, sps, clams?
for softies and lps, you should be ok with 130 watts of PC. ask your lfs what kind of lights they offer, mine ordered this for me. i have a 29gal.
if you want sps and clams, you will need to spend more on metal halide lighting.


Active Member
I started my 30 gallon reef with only 65W of PC. It had only mushrooms in it. Now I have 130W of PC with star polyps, button polyps, and I will soon be adding some leathers. I wouldn't bother with VHO or MH unless you want hard corals, anenomes, or clams. It would be just too costly for a nano, IMHO.


I'm loving the MH over my 29 gal. Actually, it's a bit more, I have a 175 Watt 12K MH, two 75 watt VHO actinics, and two three LED moonlights. I can (and do) keep softies, lps, sps, and a big fat derasa clam. Easily the best looking tank i've ever had, even if it isn't the biggest. If you can handle DIY, MH can be affordable, and is VERY worth it.


Active Member
If you're tank is 24", I can sell you my 65W PC lights. I bought them for around $100, but I'll sell them to you for $50 + $15 for shipping (which is a great deal on ANY complete light hood). Email me if you are interested