mini reef lighting


Hey as you might know i am setting up a mini reef and i was wondering which of these following would be fine in a 7.5 gallon mini reef? Fish-firefish,neon goby,percula clown. Cleaners-astrea snail,blue leg hermit,fire shrimp, tiger crownie. Corals-anchor coral,sunflower coral,open brain coral, swoolen brain coral,finger leather coral. Misc-feather duster, bulleyes mushroom, flower/ricordia mushroom,sabar anemone.
If i was to have some of the following corals,fish,misc what type of lighting and waterflow would i need?


I'm about to start a 10g reef myself. Lighting comes down to what types of corals you are going to get. I recommend soft corals because they are a bit easier to take care of. Mushrooms, leathers, poylps are all great starter corals. Not a lot of lights needed and can withstand inconsistent water conditions. I would stay away from brain unless you have strong lighting and have perfect water. Inverts: I like feather dusters, cleaner shrimps, blue and scarlet hermits and snails of course. I've heard of fire shrimps hiding a lot, so I would pass on it and get two cleaners instead. They look just as good and are half the price. You definitely don't want any fish that will outgrow your tank. Chromis or a pair of percula clowns would be a nice addition.