Mini tank crash


New Member
I have a 20gallon with a black angler and a chromis living in it for about 4 months now. They dont mess with eachother and have been doing well the entire time i have had them. Last night i didnt a 7 gallon water change, salinity was 1.023 and i also added some phytoplankton and calcium for some of the live stuff on the rocks. Immediately after/during i was adding the water i noticed the angler came out and was swimming really fast up against the glass and just kind of going crazy, but though that he was just stressed and came out of his hole because i poured new water on it. After adding the water i came back 10 minutes later and my chromis was on the ground breathing really hard. I sat there for a minute not knowing what to do and figured maybe my angler tried to eat him because they were close to eachother but saw that the angler was also acting strange and kind of breathing heavy and leaning to one side. I thought that something got in the water because that bucket had been under my tank for a while so i did a 50% water change. It was too later for the chromis, but after i added the water the angler's color kind of returned and he was breathing at a slower rate but still just sitting in the sand, so i thought he would live. I woke up this morning and it was dead. Any ideas on what in the hell happened?

mr. limpid

Active Member
i could be a number of things. Type of water used RO/DI or other? Temp. of new water? How long did you let the new water airate b4 changing? And why such a large water chg. I have a 20gal also and due 2gal ever other week.


Staff member
Perhaps contamination of the bucket, could someone used it for something other than your fish tank? What is your source water?