Miniatus Grouper


I checked into the Miniatus Grouper per Grouperheads suggestion(Thank You!)and really like this fish. I have now actually purchased one and have had it for one week now. The little thing is 4", for some reason I thought 4" would be larger. I have been feeding it krill just a couple small pieces once a day. How fast will this little bugger grow? Any thing I should look out for with this little carnivore?


Active Member
Most grouper species grow pretty quick (panthers grow like weeds). The only thing you should really watch out for is tankmates that can fit in his mouth. Suitable tankmates are triggers, puffers, eels, lions, wrasses, etc. I've seen some miniatus that are incredibly mellow, and some that are very aggressive. Feed a varied diet, it will bring out his colors better. Bo


They're really pretty fish, but every one I've seen (in shops) has seemed really nervous, hiding behind rocks. Do they stay that way, or get over it once they feel at home?


Active Member
They are always shy and retiring at first, but the longer they are in your tank, the bolder they will get. Some I have seen were just like tangs, swimming all over the place. Others liked to stay in the rockwork, and only come out to eat. Most become a lot more active as they feel more comfortable with their surroundings. Bo


Mine is all over the tank and it has only been one week. It is only in the tank with a puffer and two blue damsels. It was quite shy at first running and hiding when you get close to the tank but now it is all over the place. Really cool fish. Bo, anything in particular I should use to keep the colors bright? It is a beautiful red with deep blue spots!


Active Member
I soak in ZOE once every two or three feedings. I'm not sure if it helps color (probably does) but it also helps immunities. I feed my fish clam, shrimp, krill (freeze dried), silversides, squid (cubed and chopped), and aggressive/predator formula. A good, varied diet will bring out the most color in your fish. Bo


I have an miniatus grouper and at first I hated him. I did my research and had a huma huma trigger in there first. And when I added that grouper he tried to eat (or just a show of dominance) my trigger and wounded him on his nose. My trigger got so sick that he wouldn't even swim. I used the Marcyn??? II and eventually recovered(amazing). He now rules the tank but is now become friends with the trigger. My point in telling this story is that everyone has said(which may be true with some) that these groupers and doscile and calm. My grouper is another breed. He comes out when I get anywhere close to the tank just like my trigger and rarly stays completely behind the rock( sometimes watching through the rocks). I feed him squid, silversides and krill w/ zoe. Once again every fish has its own personality and the grouper is fast becoming my favorite fish.