

New Member
Ive seen some of the 7 gallon minibow reef tank setups and i think there really cool. I see that alot of you guys custom build your lighting. Is there anyway that i could get a 7 gallon and not have to go through all that cause i really dont know how. Are there bulbs you can just buy to stick in your hood that are effective?


I have a power-glo bulb in mine with the orig. hood and my live rock went coraline crazy. They make a great nano tank, plus you can alway get a power compact if you want to upgrade. Do daily freshwater top-offs for evaporation and a one gallon change a week and your good to go.


New Member

Originally posted by dalley
I have a 5 gal mini bow and I use 2 10W PC's. They are like 10 bucks each ... the only mod you have to do is to center the stock dual light recepticle to accomodate both bulbs.

I'll second dalley,
I have a 5 Gal Minibow, I did the light mod just exactly like he did and it's worked great. Once I took the light out, I dremeled out all the plastic ribs, to give me room to work. I've had success with zoo's, mushrooms, ricordia, silver star polyps, and green star polyps.
Good Luck!



Originally posted by dalley
I have a 5 gal mini bow and I use 2 10W PC's. They are like 10 bucks each ... the only mod you have to do is to center the stock dual light recepticle to accomodate both bulbs. Drill a hole in the back for the on/off switch and some foil as a reflector. See pics below.

I know you were helping out someone else, but your picture helped me out as well. I was looking for a retro fit to buy to put in my 5 gal hood, when I came across this post and your picture. A picture really is worth 1000 words. I just got done building mine and couldn’t be happier.
Thanks again
If you would like I will add a pic of mine.