minimum tank size for snowflake eel??


undulated guy

any suggestions on another fish to put with this eel


I would say even a 55 is too small i've seen really big snowflake eels in 55 gallons or so and it looked cramped.


idk i think it depends on the individual
my snowflake was boring and would have done well in a 55 considering he very rarly came out of his tube


I have had one at work for over 6months and he has not grown much at all. He gets 2 silversides a day.


Active Member
I've seen some that are incredibly huge.
The thing about snowflakes is that they are readily available, have very little chance of disease or illness, and are incredibly easy to keep. If your tank is a 55, and as long as you are the type who doesn't get attached to your fish, you can easily trade in your eel every couple years and get a small one again. The trick is being able to let go of your hard work and progress on one fish for another.

undulated guy

what would be the proper size aquarium to have one for life


Originally Posted by undulated guy
what would be the proper size aquarium to have one for life


Active Member
Originally Posted by Member007
IMO 30 gallon should be fine.
This eel will grow much too large for a 30 gallon system. A standard 4 foot ank (55-75 gallon will hold one for the long haul. They are not terribly active but need space to stretch out when they decide to explore. I kept a large adult in a 55 for quite some time and it was content.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Member007
IMO 30 gallon should be fine.

Surely that was a joke..
At anyrate I think Nicetry hit it on the head....


A book called a Marine Fishes by Scott W. Michael states a minimum tank size for an adult snowflake eel to be a 30 gallon. I have one of these guys in a 90, and he usually sits in the rocks. WE ALL KNOW THE DRILL "THE BIGGER TANK THE BETTER FOR MOST OF THE FISH, but if someone has a 30 gallon and really wants a snowflake I don't see a problem with it.


Active Member
This discussion raises an interesting issue... is the question, "what is the minimum tank size for the sfe to survive for life?" or "How big of a tank for the sfe to be happy?".
While I wouldn't condone the practice, I believe that an sfe would survive for its entire life span in a 30 gallon tank. These guys are extremely hardy and I have never seen one die from anything other than escape. Even if they don't have room to swim in the open water, IMO they would survive with no real consequences. However, keeping one in a tank this small may be inhumane, (tough to get into the mind of an eel). I would feel better about having one in a 55 gallon. Bigger than that would be even better.