Minor Cyano problem. I'd appreciate some help.


Hi. I'm having a Cyano problem i one specific area of my tank. It's on the sand and glass in 1 spot. I tried adding flow but it didn't help.
It's a 46 gal w/ 45lbs LR. 40lbs aragonite sand.
Coralife skimmer 65
canister filter
3 PH's
2 clowns
purple firefish
royal gramma
6line- just added
5-6 crabs
5-6 snails
WHen i turn out the lights for a few days the red algae dissapears, but if i turn the lights back on for more than a few hours it reappears.
My water is:
ph-I forget exactly, but normal
phosphate- LFS tested and said it was barely higher than 0
I'm not sure what the cause is. Phosphates issue was my last resort, but they are almost 0. Any ideas?? thanks


Active Member
My water tested 0 for phosphates, but as soon as I started using a phosphate pad, it vanished. I would imagine that phosphates are contributing, even in a minute amount, plus the cyano would be sucking it out of the water so you wouldn't get as high of a reading.


Read your test kit - phosphates come as organic and inorganic - tests are only for one and not the other so even at zero you may still have phosphates.


Active Member
What sort of lighting do you use? PC's can cause this after about 9 months or so they need to be changed.


Ya know, I had a problem with the cyrano. I scooped very little out and got a protein skimmer, and it all pretty much went away after few weeks. Not sure if the solution was the skimmer or if everything pretty much stabalized. Just my two cents ;-)