Miracle Mud & Bio Balls


New Member
Anyone know a good source for this stuff called "miracle mud".
I have a consuntant building a tank for me and he asked me to look into buying this for the refugium (sp?) tank?
Also I am looking for the black bio balls with the holes in them. I would like to match the ones in the picture below.
I need about 2 gallons of balls.

Thanks for any help.


Active Member
are you puttin the bioballs in the refugium??
You can get miracle mud at most LFS. Or online, check out a company called ecosystem aquarium. They produce the product.


Active Member
ditto what aaron said, but be prepared, its expensive. AND another guy here Randy 12 went to a show and looked at MM's
competion and its not all natural. I can look up the post for you later. LFS you won't have to pay the hefty shipping that I a sure will be involved, its heavy.
Welcome to SWF.com!!


Active Member
ok, I found the post. Go to the Reef Tank section here. The thread is called "Ecosystem miracle mud vs. Caribsea". Randy 12 started it. The date of the last post was 10/14 so its probably on the 2nd page.


New Member

Originally posted by aarone
are you puttin the bioballs in the refugium??

No the mud and live plants are going in the refugium.
The picture I have posted is only 1/3 of my eco/bio system. The refuigum is about 10 gallons but is part of the entire box off to the right next to the skimmer.
What a great site !!!!
Any info on locatng the balls?


New Member

Originally posted by lovethesea
ok, I found the post. Go to the Reef Tank section here. The thread is called "Ecosystem miracle mud vs. Caribsea".

Thanks, I'll go look that up. I need to locate a good marine LFS I guess.


New Member
Anyone have an idea how much mud I would use in a 10 gallon refugium?
10lbs is about $75.00, I am not sure how much that would equate to in displacement?


Active Member
find their site....we are not permitted to place other websites here since SWF sells the product. Sorry, I was in a hurry when I posted that..:)