misbehaving kitty...help


New Member
Hi i have a cat, well kitty...about 17 weeks old.
male, indoor, not old enough for neutering yet,
well heres the thing,
He has this thing with going into the garbage and stealing tissues and paper towels, he knocks over the garbage to get to them. when he finds one he runs around the house and tears them up to bits.
he will actually growl when i try to take them away.
this is the only time he growles!
he is usualy a menace with the plants, his only "rules" are no jumping in the plants, cause he knock them over, and no garbage, cause he knocks that over.
oh yeah, and NO JUMPING ON THE AQUARIUMS! i dont want him to fall in and drown.
I know kittys are mistichivous, but whats with the garbage?!?!
please help!


Active Member
***) sounds like a riot...dont really know, maybe you could have a little squirt bottle handy and just squirt some water at him as soon as he starts diggin' into it??


New Member
Give your kitten a lot of play toys and put something heavy on your garbage can where the kitten can't knock it over. I have a dog who likes to get in the trash and that's what I do...it has worked so far.


Anything crinkley, and even paper balls are nothing but pure fun playthings with cats. Take some scrap paper and wad it up and see if kitty will play with it, make it it's own toy.
As to garbage and things you don't want kitty to do, get some squirt bottles for water only. And when it does something bad, squirt it right then and there. Believe me they hate that, and they will learn. I've taught several cats not to get into garbage, or on the piano, or away from plants.
Of course then my cat learned kung fu. Now she just knocks over the garbage and laughs at me.


New Member

my cat does the Matrix thing ill post when i get a good pic, its like a fake sneak attack then runs away!
thanks for the advice ive been spraying, but im sure it will take more time


Active Member
it's not really the cat's problem - he's just being a cat! The trick is to 'manage.' If he keeps getting into the garbage, make it impossible for him to do so.
The squirting water is a GREAT idea, but you can't be there EVERY time he tries for the garbage.
Cat's don't learn from negative reinforcement the way dogs do - cat's just learn not to do the unwanted behavior WHEN WE'RE AROUND. If, however, you make the behavior entirely unpleasant or impossible for him, he'll stop trying.
First, I would suggest getting a heavier trash-can with a flip-up lid that you have to open by stepping on a lever peddle. If getting a new can isn't an option, then try putting double sided tape all up and down the sides of the trash can - cats absolutely LOATHE touching sticky things. You can also try spraying the can with bitter apple or tobasco sauce, two more things cats can't tolerate. (These tricks work for keeping kitty from shredding the upholstery as well!)
Rigging up a lid for the can is also a good idea - all sorts of things go into waste-baskets that can make cats VERY SICK...as I'm sure you already know.
This will take some time and cunning - but it's not an impossible situation - I don't know a single cat owner who hasn't been there

Good luck - and keep us posted on you (and your kitty's!) progress!!
Oh...and how about some pix of the little guy?! :joy:


Active Member
You can try my stepfather's method; he however uses cruel and unusual punishment. My parent's cats were consistently getting on the dining room table at night and this drove him crazy whenever he would get up in the morning and catch them. Well he was very proud of himself whenever they quit doing it because he covered the table in mousetraps. One night my wife and I spent the night there, I got up for a glass of milk in the middle of the night and turned on the kitchen light to find both cats comfortably and casually sleeping on the dining room table amidst mousetraps, they are smart enough to get down before "Dad" wakes up for breakfast.

A serious solution would be to get a larger trash can if necessary and put a brick on the bottom of it or a gallon milk jug full of water that the kitty will be incapable of knocking over and/or the water squirt bottle method.


Active Member
Cats find their way into problems when they do not have enough entertainment(toys)to keep them busy. One way to keep kitty busy is another kitty. They will grow up to be life long buddies and keeps them from trashing the house.
If they get bored they will get at each other before the trash..... trash does not fight back... hahahahahah

This is how I solved my problem.
Cats are pretty smart.... :notsure: Have to out think the little buggers sometimes.
Good luck....

It is pretty funny to see kittens just getten after it. ***) quite the show.


Ever try using a thing called sour apple? You are supposed to spray it & it smells so bad that it stops them. Water in a spray bottle works too. But you have to be there to get him when he is guilty. I have a kitten, 7 mo. He acts like a dog. Pretty cool little guy. He tells you when he needs food or water. Tells me when he is bored & wants the dogs in. He gets on the aquarium & I watered him down. He admires the fish from the glass. I placed a table next to the tank. He like to paw at my puffer. The pup loves the attention. What a pair!! Also if you have a petsmart near you and ask about the spray stuff to deter ninja kitty. They don't sell saltwater so I hope I don't get in trouble!

darth tang

Active Member
I can solve your problem with minimal work on your part. Give the cat to someone else.........there problem solved.


Originally Posted by Darth Tang
I can solve your problem with minimal work on your part. Give the cat to someone else.........there problem solved.

Obvious you hate cats. I'd say neuter him. Makes him calmer. Too much testosterone!!!!


Good suggestions! He's just playing. All of our cats and dogs love getting "toys" out of the garbage if we don't keep it where they can't get it!
Just make it inaccessible/unpleasant to play in then make sure he's got plenty of toys and playtime with you.


Active Member
you could use a plastic bag, the fisrt pic shows my gray cat playing with the bag, un fortunately we had to give him away
or u can put sum catnip on the ground like i did in the last pic(as u can see the last pic is the most recent)



Active Member
here are my two cats . the gray one is Jack and the tabby is Jill. Jack likes to pee on the bathroom rug, so we just keep the door shut. and Jill likes to knock pencils off of things and play with them. also Jack LOVES hair bands! he steals them if you dont keep them in a drawyer. i find them all over the house, under rugs, under couches, evrywhere.



Active Member
Ooooh u people r KILLIN me with the cute-ness!!!! :joy:
That bengal has THE most GORGEOUS coat!
The pic of the kitty lickin' it's lips needs to be sent to www.mycathatesyou.com. Anyone here know about them and the books they published? (Called BAD CATS). VERY funny stuff!! Check 'em out!!