misc. drygoods for sale


misc. drygoods for sale
100GPD 4 stage RO/DI unit-made by reefpure is 7 months old and has 1 month old DI,prefilter,and carbon-100.00-SOLD
otto PH 1200 does 317gph-10.00
Aqua 8 watt UV sterilizer with wiper and 3/4" fittings along with a 526gph powerhead-75.00
brand new 12watt UV bulb -15.00 will fit Aqua or emperor UV's
200w tronic heater-10.00
digital fish feeder by nutramatic-15.00
3 jars of Kent regenerable mixed bed absorption resin all new-7 bucks for all 3 jars
1 new bottle of ESV potassium iodide- 4.00
1 new bottle of vita chem-3.00
1 new can of omega one marine flakes large 2.2oz -3.00 - very good flake food
32oz bottle of ESV liquid carbonate buffer- great for balancing your alk levels if you does kalk.-5.00
email me if you have questions at vulkum@msn.com
payment thru paypal and i ship items UPS ground unless small enough to go postal.


If the Cap changes his mind...email me...jldamico@yahoo.com...or if you're thinking of anything for a trade...throw some ideas out.