Missing emerald crab..


Hey everyone...like 2 weeks ago I purchased an emerald crab. He was doing great. All of my parameters are perfect. The same day I purchased the crab I bought a BTA. After a week the crab had begun going to the anemone constantly, trying to get under him. Now I can't find the crab anywhere. I have been searching for the past couple days and no sign. I don't know if hes dead or not. Do emeralds hide? If so where do they go? I dont have many big crevices in my rocks for him to go hide in so I'm at a complete loss. Also another question, this one about calcium. I have been trying to test my calcium but can't figure out what it is at. The highest the number of drops goes to on the instructions is 30, and it doesn't say anything else for higher numbers. Any ideas? Could I possibly be doing it wrong? Thanks.


Active Member
The only time I see my emerald is at night. Try looking with a flashlight about 30-45 minutes after lights out. What type of test are you using for your CA?


I'm using Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Calcium Tester. Oh yeah, out of no where my crab came out, I've got no idea where he was but hes alive! Thanks.


I have two in two separate tanks and they hide. But they come out when its feeding time!! I think they are shy.


Active Member
i bet you the emerald was molting. after they molt theyll stay in hiding for a few days while their new skeleton hardens. it happens evryonce in a while


lol......we had 2 emeralds.never eally saw em much.always crawling around the back and under rocks.saw them maybe once every three weeks..............