Missing Fire Shrimp


Am I crazy? I had a fire shrimp for 6 months. Always stayed hidden, but came out when food was available. Other fish include - Yellow Tang, small Hippo, coral beauty, 2 percs. Would any of them have eaten my shrimp? I've looked everywhere, and there is no sign of him anywhere.
Would any of those types have eaten him?


I'm going to have my levels checked tomorrow, but I've never had trouble with any levels. I have no other inverts, just the fish listed. I also don't have enough live rock for him to be totally out of sight. There are no more hiding places. He's just gone. I think something had to eat him.


I cant imagine any of those things eating him w/o a trace. Are you sure he isnt under 1 of the rocks? try picking them up all up if you can.
Is it possible he jumped? ive seen mine really close to the top and been worried a few times. Is your top open?


Checked under the rocks. No shrimp. I do have an open top, but nothing is on the floor, unless he would have crawled away?
I'm very confused.


samet thing happened to me.. I had one and it dissapeared.. never saw a shell or anything.. I actually then upgraded to a 75 gallon and saw no sign of him.. I have a yellow tang to.. weird and it sucks because they are PRICEY!


Shrimp deteriorate quickly when they die. It probably died and the angel probably just ate the insides of it. I had one die once, saw the dead shrimp, came back about 20 minutes later and never found it again.


Active Member
If you feed and dont see a Fire Shrimp you can pretty much be sure its dead. They are beyond greedy.