Missing Firefish


I just got my new firefish today he was doing fine but when i left and came home i couldnt find him anywhere. I think he might b hiding in the rockwork but i looked all over?
maybe he jumped outta the tank!
anyone with a firefish lemme no if you have had a problem finding :happy: them


Active Member
as mentioned check around the tank. if you cant find him then just go to bed and wait until tomarrow. i was also put in you position one time. i couldnt find him anywhere. look around tank in every space it can fit in the rocks and i just gave up and went to bed. the next morning i saw it swim around looking for food. so yea just wait. could just be exploring in a rock.


Active Member
yes they are very good jumpers, i lost acouple when i would leave the lid alittle open, but they also spook very easily mine would take at least a week to come out into the open


When I first got my firefish he hid for a few days and now he out all the time. If you've checked on the floor than I wouldn't worry to much he'll be out before you know it. :yes: