Missing Firefish


I put a Fire Fish in on May 11th, he hid in the rocks for a while, then disappeared, I haven't seen him since. Should I tear aprt my reef looking for him to remove the body if need be, or do you think my clean up crew took care of it? 10 days is quite a long time to not have seen him, right? I have a dwarf angle and yellow wrasse in the tank, quite peaceful.


if he died then your cleanup crew got him already. I have to get my snails that fall on thier back within 10 minutes or they are history. Actually i just lost a snail to my hermits last night. Fell between the rocks and that was it.


Active Member
When I added some live rock to my tank my firefish disappeared for a long time. I thought he had died until about two weeks later he started coming out more and more. Now he stays out all the time. But even when he was his shyest he still came out to eat if everything was quite.


Thaks for the replies, well then maybe there is hope, he may just be hinding, it will be 2 weeks this Sunday that I put him in.