Missing fish

I had two firefish and one is missing. No one has seen it since monday when I clid a big cleaning in the tank.
I can't figure it out. One day its there the next it isn't.
I can think of only three things.
It is dead and can't find it.
The anemone got it. Small bubble tip
or The worst of all
It jumped out the back and one of the cats got it.
I have been keeping and eye out to make sure I don't step on it.
What could have happened? I checked the filter.
Adam :( :confused:


Another option is that it's hiding. Most dartfish will spend the majority of their time in hiding, especially if there is something they consider more dominant than themselves (Such as a semi-large snail or a really mean looking hermit lol) They're very skittish, especially for the first couple of months. Heck, I've got a bar goby that only comes out to eat and he's been in the tank 9 months or so.


If you're really concerned that it jumped, check under your light fixtures and behind the tank...or you could get a flashlight and peep under and around the rocks.


Do you have a cleaner crew? I asked because awhile back when I had a dwarf fuzzy lion, it was literally almost gone when I found it along with all my hermits.
Can't be hiding. The two always were out in the front and then one day there was only one. I fed them to see if it would appear and nothing. I used to have a clean up crew but the hermits seemed to have killed each other off.
I think either my anemone got it or it jumped. If it jumped I would not find it. It is not under the lights and if it hit the ground one of the cats must have dragged it off.