Missing Fish


Since i started my tank every now and then when I put new fish in my tank, a few always come up missing, I never find them on the out side of the tank, i never see them in the filters or powerheads, I had bought the 20-55 gallon cleanup crew. Most of them are gone, my sally and brand shrimp has been missing for a week do not have cat and I do not know where they are going. Maybe someone can help me figure this out. I have 4 fish left 2 clowns (perc) and one blue damsel and a blue gold damsel.:confused:


Do you think you may have a mantis shrimp? Do you hear anyclicking noises or anything from the aquarium? I would take a red lens flash light and snoop around in there at night.


I now just have a few snails, crabs, (scarlet & Blue Leg) 2 perc clowns, 2 damsels, & 2 brittlestar fish and about 60 pounds of lr. How would I know if I had a mantis what do they look like, how do I caught it or trap it.:(


Active Member
If you hear clicking or popping at night. It is almost like your tank is cracking. Not all mantis click but that is a sign...unless it is a pistol shrimp.


I have lloked in all overflow and nothing i even had one of the lfs people come and look and nothing. most of the fish were damsels and I had to take my bowtie back because he wouldn't let any other fish eat. So I think he was one of the problems i had with fish. too aggresive.:p


New Member
In my roommate's tank (http://www.fishregistry.net/registryitem.asp?ID=151), we had a similar problem with inhabitants going missing - two cleaner shrimp, a wrasse, and a humu trigger. Each time all these inhabitants were found in the same place - underneath the starfish! The starfish will devour a shrimp or a fish without leaving a trace - I was quite amazed. Now, this doesn't explain WHY these inhabitants died, but it does explain where carcasses go. I'm not sure if a brittle star is similar to a chocolate chip star, but if it is, it will be very quick to find dead or dying fish/shrimp/etc., and then cover them up for a few days while they digest the carcass. So, next time something goes missing, first place I would check is underneath those stars!!! :eek:
Here's a pic of him plucking a snail right off the tank wall:


do you have a green brittle star? if so, they are known fish hunters. if you have one, feed it daily! also, I would suspect your established damsels arent going to be very tolerant of fish additions. may be harassing them to death, damsels are very territorial even towards other damsels. hope this helps......check your tank at night with a red flashlight and see what's going on in the dark...maybe youll find a hitchhiker lurking about!