missing green chromis


Last week I added 2 emerald crabs to my 125 and yesterday I noticed one of my creen chromis was missing... I looked all over the tank moved some rock around, searched everywhere but nothing. is it possible the emerald crabs killed it and ate it??? Or where would it have gone? :thinking:


Hi there. That could be possible. He may have caught him and ate him or the fish couldv'e died and then the crab ate him for dinner. I had a shrimp for one day and now he is gone. He was not sick, I think my crab caught him and ate him also:(
Good Luck,


I had one of mine disappear too until I looked on top of the tank and found him dead on the lid. He apparently thought the algae was greener on the other side...


check in your overflow box or dowm below where all of the filtration is. I woke up one morning to find my green chroimis stuck inside of my overflow box. I luckily able to get him out, ubt the very next morning, I fould him dead laying on my bio balls. (Poor guy, he never had a chance


Active Member
I really doubt, but its possible , that the emerald crabs caught it, i have 3 in my 125 and there peacefull, and mainly eat green stuff, butt hey will eat dead fish. Goodluck finding it! Todd