missing shroom


Active Member
one of my large mushrooms has vanished?
I have looked all over the tank and cant seem to locate the little guy
any suggestions?
was he eaten maybe
i have 1 foxface
1 coral beauty
2 OC clowns


Active Member
i have found the missing shroom
He seems to have shruken!!
he was a large shroom before- maybe about the size of 1 1/2 silver dollars
and at the moment he is smaller than a dime
whats going on?


Eh my shroom does that a lot--one day he's nice and HUGE, another he's barely enlarged...others, he's folded up. Shrooms are the hardiest of all corals so if your other corals are doing fine I wouldn't worry about it. If a tank ever crashed, shrooms would probably outlast all the other corals =P...it's probably just going through a phase...corals have moods too! lol...


Mine do that also..... They move also so that could be what is happening. When they move they leave a piece behind that becomes a new shroon.