Missing Starfish - help !


New Member
I've had a sm red starfish for about 6 months now. For the past 2-3 weeks its been missing. Typically, i'd see the starfish making his daily treck across the glass. It wasnt unusual that I didnt see it for a day or two, but it is def unusual i havent seen it in weeks.
Should I start rearranging rock looking for a dead starfish?
My tank is a 90 gal with:
1 blenny
1 clown
1 sm yellow tang
2 sm firefish
1 cleaner shrimp
1 blood shrimp
There is also an emerald crab that was a hitchiker. i rarely see it, he hides in a rock hole.
10 blue leggs and 5 snails
salinity 1.026
ites - 0
ates - 0
ammon - 0
ph - 8.2


Originally Posted by alyssia
If he has been dead for very long I bet your cleanup crew already got to him.

Also, if the starfish gets unhappy he could actually "disintegrate" himself.