Missing starfish should I find him???


I got a starfish about a week ago. It was supposed to be a blue linka but I think they sent something different. It was orange with like a blue center on the top of the arms. I put it in the tank and it either crawed or was pulled down the back of the rocks by the shrimp. It's been a week and I haven't seen it anywhere. Should I worry and pull out LR until I find it? If its dead will it pollute the water?


I would not start tearing apart your tank just yet, give it some more time, I had a brittle star that I did not see for almost a month, then one day he was out and about all the time, something just take thier sweet time getting used to the new tank. If he is infact dead, and you have hermits then they would have taken care of it for you by now. Have you checked for it at night with a flashlight after the lights have been off for some time? some only come out at night when they first get into a tank.


Have you checked your water parameters? It's almost a certainty that if you have a dead starfish in the tank, there should be elevated Am at least, that might give you the clues you need before you start tearing down your tank. Just my thoughts.


Active Member
test your water parameters. if something did die you will be able to tell by the quality of your water. i would also reccommend gettign your money back. if the star is not reef safe and you ordered a linkia which is, i woudl be very worried as it could eat all of your corals!
good luck


Active Member
man i just realized you posted right before me. i guess its true that great minds (or maybe crazy ones) think alike!
good luck


I tested the water last night everything seemed good Am at 0 Nitrite 0 I do have about .2 Phos and SG 1.0265 Is that too high?
I'll look a little harder for him after the lights go out.