Missing tank inhabitants!


Wow, I'm really starting to lose my patience in this hobby, and thinking about cutting my losses.
I bought 3 emerald crabs from my LFS 2 days ago. Within the bag were two very small green crabs-obviously emeralds-and also 1 larger (about the size of a silver dollar) and much darker brown colored crab. The LFS assured me that all 3 were really emeralds.
I got them home, acclimated, and put them into the tank. The emarlds started cleaning, but the larger one immediatly hid under LR. Today I came home to find the totally crused shell on the larger crab on the sand, 1 emerald missing (or out of sight) and the other emerald cleaning. The only thing in the tank is 2 true percs for about 3 or 4 weeks, 10 nass snails, 80lbs LR, and 80 lbs LS.
I don't think it was a mantis because I've never seen any snails get crused liek this, and the percs are great. Help!!


I bet you they molted (many times after acclimation thy molt). Also, emerald crabs arent an out in the open kind of species. I have 5 emeralds in my 29 gallon tank, and i come across maybe 1 every day... I would not worry about it to much. Also, your tank is gonna lose more and more fish until it stabilizes!!! You have to get used to the loss... the real product of aquarium keeping comes after the tank stabilizes (ie months or years)


Active Member
crabs hide at times. I have 15 blue leg hermits and there are times that none of them can be found. I also have a hitchiker crab, I believe it to be an emerald crab, and I don't see him for weeks at a time. take the crushed shell out and examine it (under a magnifying glass if possible) and see if there's any meat in it. if not, it most likely did molt. my cleaner shrimp molted 6 hours after I put it in the tank.


I guess molting could be an option. I didn't know that their shell broke up so much when they molted though. I was under the impression that they just sliped out of it like a hermit. The shell pieces look pretty clean, I'll examine more closely later.
Also, I got some margarita snails today and when the LFS received them, they were in no water at all. I took them home like this too. Is it ok for them to go without water liek this?