Missing Trigger,,,HELP!


hey,,i just got a new Piscasso Triggerfish and acclimated him in my tank. He got used to the new enviroment and started eating in about an hour. he was swimming all over and checking out the hiding spots in the LR. about after 3-4 hours, i realized i didn't see him anymore and i begin to think he was just hiding so i moved some of my rock to look for him and i can't find him!! Has anything like this ever happened to anyone?? any ideas on his whereabouts?? do you think he is ok?? please write back soon,,,im worried!!!


Active Member
If he's small it's amazing how small a space they can squeeze themselves into. They'll "lock" in and even if you pick up the rock they'll stay in the crevace. If he didn't carpet surf he's probably in the rock somewhere.