Mitratus Butterflyfish


New Member
Does anyone know of a good place to potentially buy a Declevis, Tinker's, Burgess, or preferrably Mitratus butterflyfish for a less than the usual market price? (>$300) Or, can anyone reccomend an equally suited butterflyfish that is not commonly seen?


Originally Posted by pagf14
Does anyone know of a good place to potentially buy a Declevis, Tinker's, Burgess, or preferrably Mitratus butterflyfish for a less than the usual market price? (>$300) Or, can anyone reccomend an equally suited butterflyfish that is not commonly seen?
Just out of curiosity I googled the first fish on your list and found one at the second site listed. The same probably applies to the others.


Active Member
Mitratus is one of my all time favorite Butterflies. But yea, unfortunately, even straight from a collector, you're talking about $200. And then you don't get the 15 day guarantee from an online vendor, just DOA.
I trust you're not looking for a coral safe Butterfly? If I had just a FOWLR, I definitely would have a Saddleback and a Blackback in there.
Saddlebacks are one of the most beautiful fish there is, of any species. Both should be right at the same hardiness as the deepwater quartett. I'm trying two rarer Butterflies myself (link), but they aren't hardy in the least sense.


Active Member
These guys are going to fetch a premium wherever you buy them from. You have to factor in the shipping cost ($80), plus all the other costs included. IMHO - buy from or from LA DD and you should be good to go.