Well my girl Naso ( Naso lituratus ) died. You KNOW I hold you completely responsible !!! Because you jinxed me, that's why ! Listen though, all jokes aside, I really was upset because one day she was great and the next day I see her lying down. No warning, no signs, no nothing. Like I said before , my trigger will lay down with the eels but the nasos they are different you know? ...Nothing. I didn't even know what to do. She looked completley the same except lying down. I moved her into QT and a little later watched her die. I sat there like a doe in head lights. The next day my man says, "Kelli, don't you think you should do something with your fish?" I guess I was hoping I was wrong and she would start moving again. Denial ("Da Nile") is not just a river in Egypt. I'm a mortician mind you. You would think I would RECOGNIZE. Anyway, my thread here is directed straight to you in the sense that I want your opinion , if you have one on a WON 125 CLEAN-UP VENTURI DRIVEN Skimmer.I just bought it. Oh and by the way, my 11 year old is charging up the camera to take pictures for me. Technology is not my friend.