Mix or layer the substrate?


If I use Southdown and want to seed it with ls, do I mix the two together, or layer them on top of each other? I am going for a 4" base in a 90G. tank. Thanks as usual!

nm reef

Active Member
not sure that it really matters a lot.......personally I added some natures ocean ls....then carib sea aragonite...then natures ocean again on top.....sort of all mixed up now.............but seems to function well enough :cool:


Active Member
It doesn't matter if you put the live sand on top or bottom or mix it up with "dead" aragonite sand.
What - the bacteria have a preference now ?
They will populate all areas of the tank eventually, and I really don't believe that bacteria have the capacity to "think" what direction in a sandbed or saltwater aquarium to migrate to. They will populate and reproduce according to the water conditions and nutrition source.


Active Member
It really doesn't matter, within days bacteria will spread and as the various worms, pods, bacteria, multiply they will 'mix' things up.