Mixed Macro Algae + Mini Brittle/Asternia star's pack


I need to thin out my macro. The pack will consist of a sandwich bag of chaeto, caulerpa and halimeda. Plus a bag of 5 mini brittle starfish/asternias.
I will ship priority mail with a heat pack for $25.
gee I just shipped almost the same things to a few people and I just had them pay for shipping......I didnt think it was worth that much....well I guess I will know for next time. ty


Yeah I saw the mini's where 6 for $20 at my LFS so I thought 10 for $5 wasn't too bad plus the macro with heat packs and shipping, but if I'm way off someone LMK
. Trying to get another sump to replace mine it's not long for this world...


Active Member
my lfs gave me asterinas and probably mini brittles if htye had any at the time for free just cause they hitch hiked on there new rock...for free.
Im not saying u r way off, not what I meant at all......LFS may be a tad high....6 for 20$....gee.....I need to charge more.....Ive lost $ in that case!

Oh well I dont mind helping out a fellow reef keeper by sending some goodies to them


I am interested in purchasing. Is the price for all and shipping $25 ?
Also, are you mixing all the plants together in one bag or will you ship three different bags?


Originally Posted by meemmoo
I need to thin out my macro. The pack will consist of a sandwich bag of chaeto, caulerpa and halimeda. Plus a bag of 5 mini brittle starfish/asternias.
I will ship priority mail with a heat pack for $25.
Would it be possible just to get some starfish shipped to 87124?


PM's sent.
Well after getting a package together I didn't realize how long it was going to take to pull these stars out of the sand in my refugium. I am going to say all SOLD OUT for now until my hands deprune
Thanks everyone.