Mixing Angels


New Member
I Am Starting Up A 45 Gal. Fish Only Tank And Would Love To Get A Bicolor And A Flame Angel

i'm Curious To Know If They Will Get Along.......i Notice It Is Recommended To Have Only One Per Tank...has Anyone Had Thede Fish Together Before???


people have had success. but usually after many deaths to find the right combo. in a larger tank it is easier, in your case i would definitely not reccommend(sp) it.


good choice...and another bit of info. from friends and learning on this site, the bicolors tend to be short lived. anyone correct me if im wrong! i would go with the flame, tend to be hardier than most dwarfs and if cared for correctly, can have a successful life in captivity. good luck with the tank!


New Member

i Actually Told My Lfs To Hold A Bicolor Cause He Won't Have A Flame Angel 'til Next Week....i Will Hold Off For The Flame Angel...which Is Really What I Wanted To Begin With......


Active Member
Originally Posted by ithorian_r
good choice...and another bit of info. from friends and learning on this site, the bicolors tend to be short lived. anyone correct me if im wrong! i would go with the flame, tend to be hardier than most dwarfs and if cared for correctly, can have a successful life in captivity. good luck with the tank!
Bicolor specimens from Indonesia and the Phillipines do not do well


Active Member
i tried a bicolor in my 55 gallon and it died after a week. Thought it was because the store i got him from had alot of problems that came to light after I bought him.


I have a Bi-Color Angel, Coral Beauty Angel, French Angel, and Flame Angel, all in my 125 gallon reef and they are all doing just fine together.


I have an Emperor, Koran, Coral Beauty. When first itroduced they had to decide how was in charge but after that they are fine except for the ocassional spat.


This is from my fishie bible: "...can do very well if it was net collected (cyanide-affected specimins are, fortunately, becoming less common) and if kept in a system furnished with live rock, which affords constant grazing opportunities."
It goes on to say that they're not aggressive towards other fish, not reef safe, it does best on a combo of frozen foods containing spirulina algae, mysid shrimp and/or finely shaved fresh or frozen shrimp, but min. tank space should be 55 gallons.
On the lemon peel and flame, both only require a min. tank size of 20 but they're said to be aggressive to other members of the same genus. Plus it says the lemon peel is not known to be very hardy. Just judging from this book I wouldn't recommend putting the two together.
Of angels those listed as being less aggressive towards other angels than some, not *terribly* hard to keep, and ok for your size aquarium are: coral beauty, eibl's angel, and fisher's angel. It sounds like it'll be kinda tough to find two that will fit in your tank and possibly not fight. Why not go with a flame and something else?