Mixing chemicals question.


Hello all,
I use amquel + and NovAqua and prime. I have had GREAT results on managing.
I had come cyano issues and I used a buffer and it worked WONDERS.
Can anyone chime in on a suggested order of use and the time NOT to use in between ??
Thank you in advance.


Active Member
As far as I remember from my freshwater days Amquel and Prime are pretty much the same thing, I believe the NovAqua is as well. You may be overdosing... Also if you had cyano and didn't take care of it's source it will most likely be back. I always suggest getting an RO/DI unit for tanks, that eliminates the need to add chemicals. If you are running FOWLR many people do just fine with straight tap, however many have problems. I would suggest treating the water before mixing the salt in. Personally I would stick to the prime and ditch the rest.


Active Member
Can you provide some info to why you are using them? You should be able to run your tank with zero additives whether its a fish only or a reef tank.