Mixing clownfish?


Can I mix Clarkii's and true Percs as juveniles in a 100 gallon reef tank? <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


I would say it is ok if they are going to be in a 100 gallon. Percs are not as aggressive as the other Clowns, but I am not sure about Clarkiis. But they should be fine if you put them in at the same time and they are juveniles.


Thanks. I'd really like to have both. Would they be a lot more mean if they had an anemone cuz being tank raised, they're not dependant on them, right?


That is correct tank raised Clowns dont need an anemone. Neither due captive caught clowns. They would be more aggressive towards each other if there were anemones in the tank and they took to it.


just be careful later on when you're adding anemones. clarkii is known for accepting any anemones. and you know how clownfishes are with anemones, they will defend them so bad that the clownfishes might harm others. mine bit my cleaner shrimp's antennae and cut it off when it's trying to steal the food from the anemones. so the perc might not go to the clarkii's anemone but the clarkii might. just be careful. those two in a 100 gallon should be just fine.


What if I didn't do anemones and got clowns as juveniles? Could I get a couple of each? I'd love to see them with an anemone but I'd rather have both and nicer fish, I think. I don't want to lose a finger. :D


yes yes yes. i am sure you will have no problems. i would get a pair of each set. i did it before. the only thing i would say no to as far as clowns would be to not put them in a small tank. the clarki can be protective, however they dont pick fights. the perc.well they are like worms. they wont even fight back. unless its to protect there homes.
good luck. try and get the perc a little bigger than the clarki's or at least the same size