Mixing clowns


New Member
Can I put a black and white Percula and a "normal" Percula together in a 29gallon Nanocube or are they going to have a problem together?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lohman446
Can I put a black and white Percula and a "normal" Percula together in a 29gallon Nanocube or are they going to have a problem together?
NO, you cannot mix clowns.


New Member
Originally Posted by hot883
NO, you cannot mix clowns.

Don't take this as a I don't beleive you, because obviously I have NO experience. But why? This is one of those curiosity questions is all.


there are certain clown you cant keep together becasue they would fight. But ive seen False and True Percula clowns in tanks together and they get a long fine.
Also dont mix wild caught clows with any other kind. The will kill the other kind in a hurry.


i had a true perc. female with b/w occelaris they did fine for like 8mo. then b/w stared --- cahnge to female as got bigger and it was no good


This is the question i wanted to ask i have false for a while and got a true today. The false is hosting. It will not let the true near though they are fighting. Do you think they will stop