mixing clowns


I dont have any experience with mixing to different kinds of clowns but i know there are people on here that do and that can give you more of an explanation. I know of people that have Ocellaris clowns with true percs. and i know of people that have Black and whites with Orange and whites. They are the same speicies though...I know there are more people on here with way more knowledge than I though. Someone else??


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lizzy
I dont have any experience with mixing to different kinds of clowns but i know there are people on here that do and that can give you more of an explanation. I know of people that have Ocellaris clowns with true percs. and i know of people that have Black and whites with Orange and whites. They are the same speicies though...I know there are more people on here with way more knowledge than I though. Someone else??
I have had a black and white O clown w/an orange and white O clown for over a year. They are both O clowns so that's fine. It's the same thing as mixing two other compatiable fish that are different colors.
But, you cannot mix different types of clowns


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
I have had a black and white O clown w/an orange and white O clown for over a year. They are both O clowns so that's fine. It's the same thing as mixing two other compatiable fish that are different colors.
But, you cannot mix different types of clowns
so thats working out for you? ive been wanting an interracial clown couple for a while now but wasnt sure if it would work.


there in a 75 gal but will be moving into a 125 gal in a few weeks they been together about a month now the one large Ocellaris tryed bullying them on the start but the next day they were fine and no trouble sence


A friend of mine has either one or two (can't remember for sure) percs and a maroon in a 75gal. She's had them for quite a while and they get along fine. It's lucky though, I'd be scared to try it myself.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Whitebird
there in a 75 gal but will be moving into a 125 gal in a few weeks they been together about a month now the one large Ocellaris tryed bullying them on the start but the next day they were fine and no trouble sence
A month is by no mean a success.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alix2.0
so thats working out for you? ive been wanting an interracial clown couple for a while now but wasnt sure if it would work.
Yes, it is working out fine. Just make sure they are both ocellaris clowns.


Ive seen plenty of idiots with multiple clown species in the same tank. I say idiots because I believe its a horrible idea with dire consequences, especially in small tanks. One person even had ocellaris clowns in with a tomato. *shudders* those tomatos are mean SOB's. granted that was in a 130, but still. I would never do it. I dont care how big my tank is. As far as B&W with reg clowns, thats fine. so long as there of the same species.


Originally Posted by rad
Ive seen plenty of idiots with multiple clown species in the same tank. I say idiots because I believe its a horrible idea with dire consequences, especially in small tanks. One person even had ocellaris clowns in with a tomato. *shudders* those tomatos are mean SOB's. granted that was in a 130, but still. I would never do it. I dont care how big my tank is. As far as B&W with reg clowns, thats fine. so long as there of the same species.
Easy on the name calling, you have no right to call someone a idiot because they do something you don't.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
A month is by no mean a success.

I have to agree a month is definitely not a success story yet, but its a start. I would think you would need to keep these together for a year or so to be considered a lucky one! haha. Good luck


Active Member
Originally Posted by mckaax
Easy on the name calling, you have no right to call someone a idiot because they do something you don't.

Agreed, I think this is stepping a little bit over the line

I don't think that because someone elses tank husbandry does not pair up with yours, that automatically makes them an idiot.


thats what i like about this form even the ones with more mouth than brains

and i may be wrong in mixing clowns but i do read alot and found no where that i could find about this other than he said she said stuff, anyone with true experience with mixing them? and i can let you all know how they do as time goes on i you want.
here is a pic of the 75 gal as in a few weeks it will all be moved to a 125 gal i'm picking the tank up in a day or so that is if it came in our lfs is 75 miles from us


Active Member
yes you can, if they are introduced at the same time, or acclimated to each other the right way.
i had a true perc and ocell together for over 4 years.
they would bicker here and there, but mostly just swam together.
helps if they each have their own territory. if you introduce them seperatly, make sure you move stuff around to shake up any territory that clown 1 already staked.


Originally Posted by mckaax
Easy on the name calling, you have no right to call someone a idiot because they do something you don't.
hey, wasnt being hostile towards anyone on this site. you have no idea, I deal with it all day long. the people, the idioits. who buy their fish from I dont know, who knowing or unknowingly do the things they do. again, no disrespect and I really wasnt directing it at anyone.
case in point: I have a 55 gallon, and its been up now three weeks, the levels all look good. Id like to add a 3" ocellaris, 5" blonde naso, 6" blue hippo and a 4" yellow tang. right now.
^thats what fuels the fire, and some times I get touchy. my bad.