mixing coral banded shrimp


hey there fellow hobbyists,
im just wondering because in my tank i have a cleaner shrimp but i wanted to buy a coral banded shrimp, but i dont know if they are compatible with eachother.i wouldnt want a shrimp brawl in my tank, and also which nitrate sponge is the best (chemi-pure or kent nitrate sponge)please i need to buy one this weekend. :help:


Active Member
not sure on the nitrate spounge... how about some macro-algae like cheato?
coral banded shrimp have been known to kill other shrimps, esspecialy in small tanks and even eachother unless they are a mated pair.
make sure that the CBS is in a large tank, has pleanty of spaces to call his own, and that no other shrimp are added after him
this will not necessarily work, but if you are going to try no matter what, this will increase your chances


Active Member
It's my understanding that CBS will NOT be compatible with other shrimp...I have one and haven't even tried any others...I'm pretty much going on advice from these threads.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
i have not done it with mine either because of the advice. but a few people here do have them with other shrimps.
thats why i said "if you are going to try it anyways...."
but risking like 10 bucks is not worth it i dont think


Active Member
I have a banded and 2 camelbacks, 2 peppermints in together for 4 months, had no idea they weren't compatable, bought them as part of my cleanup crew here, all is well so far, no problems with anything messing with corals either


I have had a cbs, fireshrimp, and a camel back in my tank for a couple of months now myself with out any incident. I think the key is to keep the cbs well fed. I spot feed him every couple of days with some meaty foods in addition to his scavenging. HTH


thanks for the help.
Im also upset at my nitrate readings which is 40-70 ppm.i have a penguin bio-wheel 125 filter.i went to the LFS and he told me to change to an aquaclear 50,but he said not to use the carbon it comes with.he said to me"buy the kent reef carbon and the phosphate pad"
im not sure if this filtration will help better than my bio-wheel.My tanks been up for 4 months.please help.i tried putting in the macro algae but it didnt work instead it made it higher so i got rid of it. :help:


Don't know about the nitrates but my cbs got very aggresive & ate a $30 fire shrimp. I would steer clear, personally. I now have a cleaner & two peppermints and am enjoying the peace.


Active Member
CB can be tricky....They are fiesty and aren't compatible with other shrimp.....I tried the first time to put 2 in my 300 and it wasn't pretty....Some time later a friend of mine was tearing his tank down and added another CB to my tank and needless to say after 3 years they are both there and very big and fiesty......They don't even like my Tangs swimming through their territory.....They don't cross each others territory and they stay on their sides of the tank.
The do however come out after the fish during feeding time and its like a cat and mouse game with my Yellow Tangs....The tangs always seem to tease the 1 CB and he lunges like mad to get them but in 3 years he still hasn't gotten them.....My hippo stays clear of the 1 all together and the Achilles goes after them from time to time and the Purple Tang ignores them all together it seems, so it might be a hit or miss thing, but I do think size of the tank has a lot to do with it as well.....


New Member
Yeah my cleaner shrimp and my coral banded shrimp dont always get along...but my cleaner shrimp is too fast and can swim to get away from the coral banded whenever he needs to. They faught a lot when i introduced the coral banded but they havent faught now for a long time.


Active Member
My understanding with the CBS is if it can catch the other shrimp, it will kill it. It may not actively stalk the other shrimp all over the tank, but if it gets ahold of one, kiss it goodbye :)


Originally Posted by mudplayerx
My understanding with the CBS is if it can catch the other shrimp, it will kill it. It may not actively stalk the other shrimp all over the tank, but if it gets ahold of one, kiss it goodbye :)
Hmmm, my cbs and fireshrimp share the same small cave together. :yes: