Mixing Dwarf & Large Angles


New Member
I know in general you should not have more than one Angle in a tank. But are Dwarf Angles and Large Angles different enough to mix together? I have a 112 gal. FOWLR tank.


Active Member
I really do not think your tank is large enough (length) to mix. I have a 125 gallon 6' and I have a pygmy angel and a Queen juvi. They get along fine.


New Member
The difference between 112 & 125 does not seem like very much difference. If they are OK at 125 do you really think there will be a problem at 112?


Originally Posted by GriffinDad
The difference between 112 & 125 does not seem like very much difference. If they are OK at 125 do you really think there will be a problem at 112?
isnt the average 112 4ft long but a 125 is 6ft long thats a large differance


Active Member
Originally Posted by surfinusa
isnt the average 112 4ft long but a 125 is 6ft long thats a large differance


New Member
Actually it is 5 ft long. The difference between 112 & 125 is only about 10%. I would not call that a huge difference.