mixing eels


Active Member
i have a snowflake eel in a 75 along with a whitespotted grouper (not panther but still too small a tank long term) and my lfs has a yellow ribbon eel for almost a year now and it came from someone who had it for a while i have witnessed it eating on numerous occassions including flakes while sinking would it get along with a sfe and grouper


Active Member
As long as you're sure it's eating...it'll just be a waste of money otherwise.
Also, keep in mind that Groupers are known to eat Morays...even if the Moray is much longer than the Grouper.
Other than that, I see now reason not to get it.


Active Member
i was really supprissed by the feeding response of the ribbon eel. this was an article in the science section of my local newspaper last week " Grouper and moray eel sometimes team up to catch prey a study finds. The eel hunts in the crevices of coral reefs, while the grouper hunts in open waters around the reef to keep the prey from escaping. The result is that the two together can flush and trap prey better than each could on its own." i was suprised by the article but that is definetely something that i will keep in mind as the grouper starts to get to the 6" point


Active Member
The Grouper/Moray relationship they were talking about was the Giant Moray (which will reach lengths of greater than 10' and a very large species of Grouper - 3' or longer).
At another forum, where I'm a member...strictly predatory fish...there was a member there that had a 2.5' - 3' Bumblebee Grouper eat a 4' - 5' Tesselata Moray. I think he also posted the pics here, but I'm not sure.


Active Member
yeah i saw the pics i think he said the tess was a tank jumper and was in bad shape so opertunistic feeding grouper took full advantage of the eel at a lfs they had a grren eel and a tessy together for over 10 years than one sunday night a couple nights ago the green got tired of its tankmate and ate him so i guess you never know what can happen with wild animals nomatter what we think they should do