mixing LR with Lace rock

i know that i can mix the two but will my lace rock become "LR" over time or is it just not the type of rock that "stuff" will grow on.
i also have on the live rock i have now what look like cone-pods that are maroon in color all over one side of the 8 lb piece i have in their now any suggestions as to what they might be
You shouldnt use lace rock in a salt water tank in the first place. Too big a risk that some bad metals are in it and can leech into the water. But it doesnt always happen, just to me its too big a risk to my critters and money. But to answer your question, yes, provided that there are not bad metals like copper in the rock then eventually life will move over into it. Now that I know better, when I set up a tank I use half live rock and half base rock for that reason. Way cheaper.
Same goes for sand, buy non-live aragonite and just a little live sand and eventually your whole bed will be "alive". There is no need to go buy 100 pounds of live sand from someplace like I see so many people post about doing, thats just throwing your money away. You didnt say you were doing that but I so rarely post on the newbie forum I decided to mention it since it sorta is similar.


Active Member
personally i like the real deal with LR it looks good to me. i did dead dry sand and seeded it with LS tho i agree there but LR is pretty tough to beat IMO