Mixing Maroons With False Percs?


i have a 55 gallon with 50 pounds of cc and 50 lbs of liverock
i have a bonded pair of false percs and a boxfish, but the boxfish is only 1 inch long
the percs are not full grown
if i were to put a maroon clown with em, around the same size would it be ok?
i really wanna get the maroon.... i'm hoping if i move the rock around they might live together...... if they fight i'll separate them.... but has anyone had success keepin the 2 together?
btw i think the maroon is fully mature because its stripes have turned gold


I have a 30 gallon and bought all 3 as juveniles.. well... my maroon snips
at both false percula's -- especially when they are getting fed. I've had them for 4 months now.. and I am cycling another tank because the maroon thinks he owns the tank!!! I tried to catch the maroon, but he's too fast!!!!!!!
I would think twice before adding -- you may get lucky but its up to you and how much LR you have.


dont do it. they cant peaceful in a small tank like 55/ the maroon will beat the hell out of the f.perc


Active Member
Agree with the above post, Maroons don't like other clowns. They will get along with other fish but they are very agro towards other clowns.