mixing perculas with black percula


hey there guys im new to this hobby but i have a 29 gallon H.it has 2 percula clownfish,1 blue chromis, a feather duster,a damsel and a sand sifter.i m wondering if the fishes in my tank will get along with the black percs,and a cleaning shrimp because im lokking to purchase them this week.
please help guys and gals thx


i would not mix clowns. in fact i have alot of clowns, and they seem to know the difference in eachother. they will fight here and there, if i had to do it over, i'd get one clown and other different small fish. hope this helps..


I have a tomato clown and pair of perculas and they get along very well. I had one problem with them establishing territory but after that it has been smooth sailing. They have been together now for a year. Most people say not to mix species and there is an expection to every rule. So have I been lucky? Maybe! But if the tank is large enough then I think they can live peacefully, but I do not think that mixing species in a 29 gallon is wise, that may ask for trouble.