Mixing Salt


Hello guys,
Well I'm just starting out my new 45 bow front aquarium. I am mixing my own salt. I made the mistake mixing the salt in the tank rather than mixing it in a 5 gallon bucket elsewhere first. Needless to say there are some salt in the bottom of the tank that hasn't dissolved yet.
Does anybody have a suggestion on dissovling those? I've tried stirring it many times, even raising the temperature on the aquarium heater to 82 degrees. No luck. I am taking it slow as I want to get it right.
Thanks guys!


This is a brand new tank. First time with water? There should be no problems. Add your salt/ro or di water/sand/heater/ and what ever else you are using and let the cycle finish...


Active Member
I agree if there is nothing in your tank but LR and sand let it go. In the future, its always recomended to mix your water in a separate container and airate it with a power head for a minimum of 12 to 24 hours before your water change. Also making sure the water you are using is close to the temperature of the water thats in your tank. When I finish my water change I set up another batch right away and let it airate for a week until I do another one.