mixing saltwater. Weird...


New Member
I use a 5 gallon bucket to mix my saltwater. I use a powerhead and heater of course. Everytime I mix it and get my salinity to 1.023 and it has been mixing for a little while. I still have what looks like salt at the bottom. If I drop the powerhead down to the bottom it mixes it all up and then just settles to the bottom again. And I like to check the ph of my mixed saltwater. It is always the lowest my test will read. Like 7.6 or something like that. I thought the salt would set the ph right where it needed to be if the water was freshly mixed like that? I use DI filter for the water. I have been mixing like this for 3 years with no problems to my dt. I just don't dump the white stuff in the bottom in my tank.


Originally Posted by mariner360
I use a 5 gallon bucket to mix my saltwater. I use a powerhead and heater of course. Everytime I mix it and get my salinity to 1.023 and it has been mixing for a little while. I still have what looks like salt at the bottom. If I drop the powerhead down to the bottom it mixes it all up and then just settles to the bottom again. And I like to check the ph of my mixed saltwater. It is always the lowest my test will read. Like 7.6 or something like that. I thought the salt would set the ph right where it needed to be if the water was freshly mixed like that? I use DI filter for the water. I have been mixing like this for 3 years with no problems to my dt. I just don't dump the white stuff in the bottom in my tank.
what kind of salt are you using? different brands of salt give different PH and calcium and mag. levels. As for the powder in the bottom, are you adding clumps of salt to the water? or are you adding fine salt grains (IE: not clumped together)? How long are you letting it mix up for? I let mine mix for atleast 48 hours before use. Are you keeping a powerhead and a heater in the bucket? Sometimes you have to add a PH buffer to the water to get it to the right PH level.


New Member
I use instant ocean. Have never used anything else. Yes when I dump it in there are clumps of salt already. The last bag I bought had a small hole in it and was clumpy already. But with previous bags of salt where it is still dry and no clumps. It still does this a little bit. Actually maybe not as much. How come it does this when the salt is clumped like that? I know the clumps are from miosture but I don't understand what the left over is at the bottom of my container. And why is this cause my ph to be very low like that? Oh and I don't usually let it sit that long. But it doesn't really seem to make a difference with the ph or undisolved stuff at the bottom as I have let it sit for at least 24 hours. Thanks for the fast reply. I am actually mixing some right now. I did a major cleaning today.


Originally Posted by mariner360
I use instant ocean. Have never used anything else. Yes when I dump it in there are clumps of salt already. The last bag I bought had a small hole in it and was clumpy already. But with previous bags of salt where it is still dry and no clumps. It still does this a little bit. Actually maybe not as much. How come it does this when the salt is clumped like that? I know the clumps are from miosture but I don't understand what the left over is at the bottom of my container. And why is this cause my ph to be very low like that? Oh and I don't usually let it sit that long. But it doesn't really seem to make a difference with the ph or undisolved stuff at the bottom as I have let it sit for at least 24 hours. Thanks for the fast reply. I am actually mixing some right now. I did a major cleaning today.
Well I use coralife salt, My ph goes to 8.2 when I mix mine. I keep my salt in a sealed 5 gallon bucket so it does not get any moisture and clump. I used to have the same problem with the salt reminents at the bottom of my 30 gallon trash can. When I started adding salt that was not clumped and put my powerhead more towards the bottom it stopped doing it all together. try buying the salt in 5 gallon buckets because the seal and it will keep the moisture out. Like I said different brands bring different PH levels. Or you could also have a bad batch of salt all together. I once bought a 5 gallon bucket of salt that was bad and all my PH and calcium levels were all out of whack. I got another bucket and tested that water and it was fine. 24 hours is the least amount of time you want to let the salt sit mixing. Unless it is an emergency then you can wait till it all disolves and use it.
try getting salt with no clumps or alteast try to break it up really well before you put it into your water and start mixing. Just remember if you do not put clumps of salt into the water it should stop leaving that residual salt in the bucket. Atleast that has worked for me. Just my .02. Your also welecome for the fast reply. I know how this hobby is and when somebody posts something they usually sit around the computer and wait for reply's, atleast I do.


New Member
Yea I wanted to get a 5 gallon bucket of salt but just got a bag this time since I need it right away and thats all the store had. I'll just get a bucket from now and I won't have the moisture problem. Thanks again. I hope it isn't bad and doesn't cause problems for my tank. I did had ph buffer to it before I put it in the tank. I need to get a test for calcium too.


yes use salifert test kits they are the best on the market. add the buffer to it and make sure the level is where you want it before you add it to the tank. I am sure that the clumped salt is not going to cause a problem for your tank. but not 100% sure that is just my opinion. Getting the bucket will pretty much eliminate your problem of clumping sand. Just my .02. Good luck and welcome to the boards


Staff member
I have found that IO does have the problem of having some residue that won't dissolve. I'm not sure its that its such a big deal. You can try another salt.