Mixing triggers


Can I add a medium clown trigger to a 72 gallon tank with only a juvenile niger trigger in it? Will they get along?


72 Gallons is not a big enough tank for a Clown Trigger. If I am not mistaken they can grow to 20 inches, and they are a rapid growing fish.


Might be a bad idea. Adding triggers of different sizes and aggression levels can be bad news for the small guy, double in your case. I have a clown and a huma huma with a dogface puffer. Feeding time can get a bit rough, but otherwise all is well, I think because the triggers are equally aggressive.
But the puffer rules the tank.
And I would love to see a 20 inch trigger, the biggest one I've ever seen was about 10, at the Shedd aquarium.


Active Member
Watch Out - I've heard and read nothing but bad things about clown triggers!! they are agressive and require larger more agressive tank mates to keep them in check and a Niger is not an agressive tank mate.
You clown will likely kill the niger


i have successfully kept clown triggers with a picasso and a niger, depends on the fish, my clown was surprisinly passive, he was about 8" but recently died of bacterial infection, it did however do well for about a year with the others in a 125


Thanks for all the good advice. I got Vlad the Impaler (my Niger) a nice copperband butterfly. Much less aggrivation and I dont have to feed him $2 scarlet hermits!