Mixing Triggers



I have been encouraged to ask for opinions in this forum, because I am considering mixing Triggers. I currently have a 150 FOWLR tank (setup 12/27/07) with two Percula Clowns and a Pink Spotted Goby, that have been in my tank for about six weeks. The rest of my "tentative" stocking list is the following:
Sohal Tang - 12"
Sailfin Tang - 15"
Blue Hippo - 14"
Pinktail Trigger - 14"
Niger Trigger - 12"
Picasso Trigger - 10"
I am still researching the Tangs also, and I do realize that the three of them will probably be too much for my tank, but I have not decided which one(s) I should take off the list yet. The one that I really want to keep is the Blue Hippo, but I would like more than one. As for the Triggers, I am set on definitely having the Picasso, because that fish is THE reason that I started my saltwater aquarium. I am not 100% set on the other two, as I realize they are quite large also, but I do want more than one. I would LOVE to have a Blue Stripe, but I know that's probably impossible.
Anyway, I want to decide on a definite stocking list before I buy the next fish, so I could really use the help narrowing it down, moving it around, etc. Like I said, the main two fish I am determined to keep are the Blue Hippo and Picasso. If the others that I have picked will not work, what other ones will?
I mainly look more for interesting colors/patterns in my fish. I am still learning and any advice is greatly appreciated!


Active Member
I think it's a good stock list you have going there...The Sohal Tang is a little iffy, they are typically considered the most aggressive Tang there is, the smaller the tank the more aggressive they are liable to be, 150 is small by their standards. You could look at another variety of Acanthurus Tang in place of him, perhaps Achilles, Powder Blue, White Cheek, Mimic, so on, they are smaller and less aggressive (aggressive still, but less so). Good trigger list IMO, I think you would have a full house with those 6 fish though, your goby and clowns may not be able to hang long term witht the Triggers.


Oh no......I am pretty attached to my little Clowns, they are so personable! When you say that they are going to have a hard time with the six fish, do you mean the triggers in particular, or just the mix of those six being too many? Is there a particular fish that would threaten my Clowns more than another? I don't want to put a death sentence on the little guys.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Curve
Oh no......I am pretty attached to my little Clowns, they are so personable! When you say that they are going to have a hard time with the six fish, do you mean the triggers in particular, or just the mix of those six being too many? Is there a particular fish that would threaten my Clowns more than another? I don't want to put a death sentence on the little guys.
Get the triggers small and don't feed them live food and I think
you might be ok. Huma's are slow growers. Triggers can always be aggressive though, just the nature of the beast. Tangs can be bullys but usually more so with new additions then established tankmates.


Active Member
Curve - your clowns and the goby are definitely going to a snack eventually for your triggers. Right now I feed my triggers 3-4" silversides. I think that you need to get them small and feed them only pellets and frozen cubes.
As for the tangs, I would say they look ok. I am concerned about the Sohal as KJR said, these guys are uber aggressive and will more than likely kill your other fish.
I have seen them in 400g tanks causing huge issues.


Are one of the triggers particularly a danger to my clowns, or are you referring to triggers in general? Could I maybe go with a more docile species, such as the Blue Throat and be safer for my clowns? I realize a lot of this is just going to be trial-and-error, because mixing these fish may work for someone else and not me, but I like hearing about different people's experience.


Active Member
I think that you will have a much better chance with a Bluethroat, sargassum, or crosshatch with your clowns.
On the otherhand, I have a 9" crosshatch that "may" view the clowns as food and "could" definitely put them to bed in one bite.


ccampbell57: I would LOVE a crosshatch, but don't think I'm ready to take out a loan for a fish yet! LOL
I've never heard of the sargassum before. I looked him up and he is BEAUTIFUL! However, I couldn't find anymore information on him, other than pictures. Is he called something else? How big does he get? Can you tell me where I can find more information on this fish?


Active Member
Xanthichthys ringens or Redtail trigger. They get to around 10-12". I would do a google search on them. Fishbase has some info and also a couple of other competitor sites have some information.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
Xanthichthys ringens or Redtail trigger. They get to around 10-12". I would do a google search on them. Fishbase has some info and also a couple of other competitor sites have some information.
I just looked up the red tail and that is a nice looking fish .


Active Member
yeah I like the sargassum a lot. I would have had one instead of the crosshatch if it didnt fall into my lap like it did.


is it possible to have more then one tang in a tank at the same time, I like the sailfin and the purple tang, but my LFS says i can't have them both. anyone know if this is true or not? thanks for the help.


Well, I think I am going to change my Triggers around a little, after reading some of your suggestions. Since I am set on keeping the Picasso, I think I am going to put a Blue Throat and a Sargassum with him, instead of the Pinktail and Niger, maybe that will curb some of the aggression.
As far as the Tangs go, I am still thinking really hard about that Sohal. I've read so many conflicting things about them! I think I am going to take the risk and try him, just get him as small as I can and put him last or next-to-last. If he just doesn't work out, I'll take him to my LFS and see what I want to do when I cross that bridge. I still think I am going to keep the Sailfin and the Blue Hippo too.
Worst case scenario: If any of them began picking on the Clowns, I can always move the clowns to another tank all to themselves (I like them so much, I'll go buy one!)