MJ 1200 in Aquapod 24?


I've read a couple of posts that say a Maxi-Jet 1200 is a good replacement for the stock pump that comes with the Aquapod 24g. Is this true? Just want to make sure before I buy the MJ. Does it need to be moded in any way to fit properly?
Thank you.


New Member
how many gph is the mj 1200?I have 24 Aquapod too and might do that for more water pressure.I was thinking about geting a power head.This would be better.


New Member
I think the pump that came with my 24 Aquapod is 290 gph.So it would not make a difference to me.


i added the 1200 to my 29 biocube...should i just replace the pump with the 1200?? or run them both, i was a bit concerned that it was too much...would the stock pump and a 600 be better???


Originally Posted by alirons
I think the pump that came with my 24 Aquapod is 290 gph.So it would not make a difference to me.
Mine too, but the MJ 1200 is supposed to run cooler. I have no idea if that's true, but my water temp stays steady at about 80.1 deg, and that's with a 150w MH light. I didn't leave the stock pump in to compare though.
i can not keep my tank at an steady temp its 75 right now and when i raise the themomator it goes to 80 is this an ok temp for my 55